
Welcome. News is a free service provided to Santaclausians and friends of Adisadel College to keep them abreast on anything published online related to Adisadel College. This includes the latest news on the school, profiles, events, relevant discussions, invitations, newsgroup discussions etc. Information is sent out in the form of a simple email message.

The service works as follows: Every morning between 9:00am ET and 11:30am ET a scan of the internet is performed for publications on Adisadel College. The relevant hits from the scan are then packaged in an email which is sent to subscribers of the service. Emails are sent to subscribers between 12:00pm ET and 2:00pm ET. If the morning scan produces no new information, then no email is sent out. Items sent are normally not repeated unless the information is changed and/or updated. You can  visit  Current News Feed  to view the news feed from the service - invitations and expired items are normally removed after a specified period.  

To subscribe to the service please use the form below to register your email. A form will be displayed for you to confirm the email address. You will then receive an email message from the service for confirmation - please note the confirmation email from the service may be sent to your spam inbox so do check and respond as required. Once the confirmation email is received from you, your email address will be added to the current  list of subscribers and you will begin to receive Adisadel News in your email inbox.  Subscribers can un-subscribe at anytime.

If messages from the system end up in your spam box, you can have the system deliver messages directly into your inbox by adding the email address  to your email contact list.

Enter your email address to receive  news on Adisadel by Email:

Be notified of the latest news on Adisadel....Be in the loop!

Current News Feed:  Click for a listing of the current news feed.

You can contact if you have any issues, comments and/or questions.


Bishop Nathaniel Hamlyn  Bishop Nathaniel Hamlyn
School Founder











