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Profile - Santaclausians on the Move

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Dr. Isaac Richmond Nettey
Quaque House, 1973-1980
Head Prefect (White House): 1979-1980
Year Group: 1978

Dr.  Isaac Richmond Nettey serves as the Associate Dean of the College of Technology and as the Senior Academic Program Director of Aeronautics (July 2001– present) in the College of Technology at Kent State University. He previously served as president and treasurer of the University Aviation Association in 1997-1998 and 1995-1996, respectively, and as a trustee of the Council on Aviation Accreditation (d.b.a AABI). Prior to his current appointment at Kent State University, Dr. Nettey served as the Director of Airway Science at Texas Southern University in Houston for 13 years (1988–2001), and in the airport operations division of management at Houston Bush Intercontinental Airport (1986–1988). Dr. Nettey honed his leadership skills from service as the elected head prefect at Adisadel College in 1979-1980.

Dr. Nettey holds the Ph.D., M.B.A., and B.S. (aviation) degrees from the University of Houston, University of Louisiana at Monroe, and University of Dubuque in Iowa. In addition, Dr. Nettey holds Transportation Safety Institute certificates in Civil Aviation Security and Crisis (Hijack) Management from joint USDOT and FBI seminars in 1986. Dr. Nettey thanks God for the academic discipline and drive from his boarding school education at Adisadel College that saw him through the successful completion of each of the three ten-hour days of written comprehensive exams for the Ph.D. At present, Dr. Nettey also serves as a management consultant for the Houston Airport System. He has served as a TSA consultant and as an FAA consultant to review Airway Science programs at several institutions.

On 20th August 2004, Dr. Nettey received the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Ron McNair Award for a “lifetime of contribution to the field of aeronautics and aviation” at an Awards Banquet with FAA Administrator Marion Blakey (see photo). Prior to that, he received the Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Award in 1995 and a Certificate of Commendation from FAA Administrator Hinson in 1994. Dr. Nettey is a fully tenured faculty member in aeronautics who has worked in partnership with numerous governmental agencies, private agencies and trade associations to promote aviation education (see photo of Dr. Nettey after airport management lectures to a group of aviation executives from Shanghai, China ).

[Picture] - With FAA Administrator Blakey at the reception before the FAA’s McNair Awards Ceremony – Disney Contemporary Resorts Convention Center, Orlando, Florida.

In June 2002, Dr. Nettey was appointed by the Executive Director of the National Academy of Sciences to serve on the Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) Committee on Aviation System Planning (AV020). This was followed by an additional appointment in March 2003 to serve on the TRB’s Committee on Airport Terminals and Ground Access (AV050). Dr. Nettey also serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Air Transport and on the review panel of Collegiate Aviation Review, the leading scholarly journals in university aviation education. He received a copyright certificate in April 2002 for scholarly work on AIP funding from the United States Copyright Office, Library of Congress, Washington, DC. A leading aviation history textbook Dr. Nettey co-authored: The American Aviation Experience: A History (edited by Tim Brady); was published in 2000 (ISBN 0-8093-2325-7 and 0-8093- 2371-0). The privilege of publishing a few issues of the venerable Owl newsletter and the annual Santaclausian chronicle of activities during the sixth form years at Adisadel College provided Dr. Nettey with critical early experience that lay the foundation for scholarly writing and publishing.

In 1994–1996, Dr. Nettey served on the National Research Council’s Committee on Education and Training for Civil Aviation Careers at the National Academy of Sciences. This multi-year committee research effort culminated in the publication of Taking Flight: Education and Training for Aviation Careers by the National Academic Press (TL561.T35 1997), Washington DC, in 1997. The Texas Transportation Institute (SWUTC/95/60037-1) at Texas A&M University and the National Technical Information Service (PB 95217113), Springfield, Virginia, published Dr. Nettey’s 1993 seminal research work on Intermodalism.

In recreational aviation, Dr. Nettey serves on the Advisory Committee of the Wings Over Houston Airshow (1996 – present). Dr. Nettey is a member of the Kiwanis Club of Stow-Munroe Falls in Ohio. In keeping with the early traditions of service to God as an altar boy at Saint Nicholas chapel and in the Scripture Union at Adisadel College, Dr. Nettey serves God as a layreader, an usher, and a vestryman at Christ Episcopal Church in Kent, Ohio. From his residence in the White House as head prefect during Upper Sixth form at Adisadel College, Dr. Nettey resides in Stow, Ohio with his wife, Lisa, and their son Nevin, a senior at nearby Stow Munroe Falls High School (see photo of the Nettey residence in Stow).

In 2005, after some 25 years in the US, Dr. Nettey made his first return visit to Ghana with Lisa and Nevin and offered thanksgiving to God during Christmas service with Archbishop Justice Akrofi at Holy Trinity Cathedral on High Street in Accra, which was also the anniversary of Dr. Nettey’s baptism at Holy Trinity in 1960. Through the efforts of Julian Blankson (Aglionby, 1980) - who followed as head prefect two years later; and Victor Larbi, (1977) - who served as antecedent head prefect; Dr. Nettey was privileged to return to Adisadel College with Lisa and Nevin in tow to pay his respects to the good headmaster and his academic forebears. During the visit to Adisadel, Dr. Nettey managed to complete a nonstop ran up the famous 83 steps from Katanga, site of his old dorm in Quaque House to Leopoldville where he concluded his stay at Adisadel College as head prefect in the White House.


At the conclusion of  airport management lectures in Houston for visiting
delegation of 18 aviation management executives from Shanghai Airport Authority


Dr. Nettey speaking, with Hal Shevers, owner of Sporty’s Pilot Shop looking on during new airplane delivery ceremony, Kent State Airport, 18th January 2006. COLD DAY in January!!


Webmaster's Note:
Dr. Nettey was popularly known as "Father Pee" during his Adisco days.
 He is  prepared to mentor any Santaclausian interested in pursuing a career in Aviation. If you are interested, please Contact us or email the Webmaster.





Dr. Isaac R.  Nettey
Quaque House, 1978





Dr.  Nettey delivering a speech at the Kent State airport in Jan, 2006





Dr. Nettey and  former US Dept. of Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta on  20th October 2007




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